The Atewa Range Forest Reserve (also called the Atiwa-Atwaredu ranges) is in the Akyem Abuakwa region of southeastern Ghana, near the town of Kibi and south-west of the Kwahu Plateau which forms the south-west boundary of Lake Volta. The range runs roughly north–south, consisting of steep-sided hills with fairly flat summits.It is the last remains of the Cenozoic peneplain that once covered southern Ghana,and contains ancient bauxitic soils.The range is the site of an important forest reserve, and the source of three major rivers.
A large area of the range has been declared a forest reserve, including about 17,400 hectares of upland evergreen forest, rare for Ghana. The reserve is managed by the Forestry Commission of Ghana in collaboration with other stakeholders, key among them is the Okyeman Environment Foundation, which has restricted people from farming in the area and instead is trying to encourage eco-tourism.However, the reserve is under pressure from logging and hunting for bushmeat. It is also vulnerable to mining exploration activities, since the reserve contains gold deposits as well as low-grade bauxite.
Many of the plant species occur only in this part of Ghana, or in few other localities and part was declared as a specially protected GSBA (Globally Significant Biodiversity Area) following a national botanic survey of forest reserves by Ghana Forestry Dept. in the 1990s.The forest reserve contains many birds that are rare elsewhere in Ghana including Olive Long-tailed Cuckoo, Rufous-sided Broadbill, Least Honeyguide, Spotted Honeyguide, Common Bristlebill and Blue-headed Crested-Flycatcher.